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1. Quick start

What is Extempore?

Extempore is a programming language for musical livecoding and algorithmic composition. If you're new to Extempore, YouTube has many videos that show it in action.

1.1 Getting started with Extempore

1.1.1 Main resources

1.1.2 Other resources

1.2 Installing Extempore


Section needs revision

  1. Install latest release
  2. Extract and open (some shortcuts available in bash_profile)
  3. Install VSCode extension by pulling shared settings from gist
  4. Set up keybindings eg for VsCode

1.2.1 Installation errors

January 4, 2021 Libportmidi error on workmac, after installing https://github.com/digego/extempore/releases/tag/v0.8.7

Evaluating expression: (sys:load "/Users/michele.pasin/Dropbox/code/extempore/xtm-hacking/init-extempore/LOAD_ALL.xtm")

Loading * "libs/core/pc_ivl.xtm" *
Loading * "libs/external/portmidi.xtm" *
Loading xtmbase library... done in 1.731826 seconds
Loading xtmportmidi library... Bad: dlopen(./libs/platform-shlibs/libportmidi.dylib, 9): no suitable image found.  Did find:
    ./libs/platform-shlibs/libportmidi.dylib: code signature in (./libs/platform-shlibs/libportmidi.dylib) not valid for use in process using Library Validation: library load disallowed by system policy
Error: could not open  dynamic library
Received interrupt signal (SIGINT), exiting Extempore...


  • open up folder in finder libs/platform-shlibs
  • right click open in OSx for all executables