1. Quick start
What is Extempore?
Extempore is a programming language for musical livecoding and algorithmic composition. If you're new to Extempore, YouTube has many videos that show it in action.
1.1 Getting started with Extempore
1.1.1 Main resources
- Extempore Homepage and GitHub project: all you need to know about the Extempore language from its author Andrew Sorensen
- Mailing List Archives: questions and answers from the community
- VSCode plugin: an extension for the popular code editor that makes it easier to interact with the Extempore server
1.1.2 Other resources
- Ben's livecoding tricks give you a hint of how to make music with Extempore
- My own Functions navigator: a website that makes it easier to search and inspect Extempore's code base.
1.2 Installing Extempore
Section needs revision
- Install latest release
- Extract and open (some shortcuts available in bash_profile)
- Install VSCode extension by pulling shared settings from gist
- Set up keybindings eg for VsCode
1.2.1 Installation errors
January 4, 2021 Libportmidi error on workmac, after installing https://github.com/digego/extempore/releases/tag/v0.8.7
Evaluating expression: (sys:load "/Users/michele.pasin/Dropbox/code/extempore/xtm-hacking/init-extempore/LOAD_ALL.xtm")
Loading * "libs/core/pc_ivl.xtm" *
Loading * "libs/external/portmidi.xtm" *
Loading xtmbase library... done in 1.731826 seconds
Loading xtmportmidi library... Bad: dlopen(./libs/platform-shlibs/libportmidi.dylib, 9): no suitable image found. Did find:
./libs/platform-shlibs/libportmidi.dylib: code signature in (./libs/platform-shlibs/libportmidi.dylib) not valid for use in process using Library Validation: library load disallowed by system policy
Error: could not open dynamic library
Received interrupt signal (SIGINT), exiting Extempore...
- open up folder in finder libs/platform-shlibs
- right click open in OSx for all executables