1. Plugins & DAWs
Section needs revision
1.1 Kontakt instruments
The default instruments are pretty good
However if you open up any of mine in the 2.instruments
library, they go into DEMO mode
~~The correct way is to open them up in Live directly.~~
It used to be possible to import them using Sample. But from Live 11 it is not possible to do that anymore..
See: Kontakt Player Demo Mode – Explained
The “demo mode” means that you can only use the library for fifteen minutes. After that, there will be no sound on the output, and you won’t be able to access the editing features
Free libraries for Kontakt: - https://projectsam.com/libraries/the-free-orchestra/
1.2 Spitfire Audio
How to reset:
Had occasionally to reset everything cause I was getting errors with instruments not being found, even after reinstalling them as per error 4
- delete everything
- install app and log in
- the libraries installed previously may still appear. So you have to
- click on the library icon, select the cog, click on 'reset', 'reset entire library'
- optionally, then reinstall it
This youtube video helps!
1.3 Pianobook samples
Get the Decent Sampler plugin
Get an account on https://www.pianobook.co.uk/faq/
1.4 Arturia Minilab
PROS nice keyboard good quality midi control works knobs
CONS no midi out no arpeggiator
1.5 Arturia Analog 4 Vs Analog 5
August 15, 2023: I have both of them installed
Analog Lab V (5) can play all Arturias sounds, including legacy sounds, if you have any.
Analog Lab 4 can't play the sounds from applications that's new in V-Collection 8. But perhaps you find the workflow and better for you, as things has changed from AL 4 to AL V.
- Arturia Analog Lab 4 vs 5 (is it worth it to double install?)
- https://legacy-forum.arturia.com/index.php?topic=108084.0
- https://splice.com/blog/difference-between-v-collection-analog-lab/
1.6 Akai MPK Mini Play
March 9, 2021: Editor does not work with OSx !!! - Homepage
1.7 Launchkey Mini MK3
- Getting-Started-With-Launchkey-Mini-MK3
- update firmware
- Getting-Started-With-Launchkey-Mini-MK3-Ableton-Live-10-Setup
March 9, 2021: returned / felt very cheap
1.8 Logic Pro X
2021-03-14: tested and eventually gave up TODO: write up article on blog to sum up the problems
- Logic Pro X: A Guide to Multitrack MIDI Recording https://www.macprovideo.com/article/logic-pro/logic-pro-x-a-guide-to-multitrack-midi-recording
- Too many midi events https://www.logicprohelp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=57319
- Playing midi instruments w/o selecting the track https://www.logicprohelp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=128623
- IAC Driver, ports etc https://www.logicprohelp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=121829
- Official help desc https://support.apple.com/en-gb/guide/logicpro/lgcpbc10f1ea/mac#:~:text=%E2%80%9CMIDI%20data%20reduction%E2%80%9D%20checkbox%3A,only%20a%20few%20MIDI%20ports.
- Midi sustain https://www.reddit.com/r/Logic_Studio/comments/2lqv3q/midi_notes_sustain_indefinitely_anyone_else_ever/
- Generic Tutorial on Logic and Midi Controller https://www.musicsequencing.com/article/controlling-logic-with-a-midi-controller
- Arturia Minilab support issues https://forum.arturia.com/index.php?topic=93486.0
1.9 Music Audio Visualizer
May 2, 2022
- magic visuals Seems nice but hard to get going with
- https://animusvisualizer.webflow.io/
- Interesting thread
- https://lairdkruger.github.io/Audio-Visualizers/
- https://www.uberviz.io/
- Searching on google... really hard to find anything!