1. Musical loop functions
A collection of Extempore code snippets for creating different types of musical outputs.
1.1 Loop with inner dur
The most basic version of the loop templates. dur
as an inner variable is handy in case we want to change dur
on the fly and derive other parameters from it in the function body.
(define lp1
(lambda (beat)
(let ((dur 1))
(monitor beat dur)
(callback-at dur 'lp1 ))))
(lp1 (*metro* 'get-beat 1))
1.2 Loop with dur
as a function argument
Takes dur
as a loop argument. Useful when we want to change dur
INSIDE the function - ie based on some other process that happens in the function, so the next iteration should receive a preprocessed dur
Clearly this is a special case - normally dur
is either fixed or randomly assigned, hence it does not have to be an argument.
(define lp1
(lambda (beat dur)
(monitor beat dur)
;; EG change dur briefly every 8 beats
(if= (modulo beat 8) 0
(set! dur 2) (set! dur 1)
(callback-at dur 'lp1 dur)))
(lp1 (*metro* 'get-beat 1) 1)
1.3 Loop with all play
I.e. the 'explicit' loop. Here we are passing all play
args so that they can be changed at each iteration.
(define lp1
(lambda (beat pitch vol dur inst)
(let ((dur dur))
(monitor beat pitch vol dur inst)
(callback-at dur 'lp1
(lp1 (*metro* 'get-beat 1) A3 90 1 1)
1.4 Loop with rotating melody, external
Using notes and durs patterns as arguments, which rotate and get reset to the original lists when all elements have been used.
Note: since notes and durs are global variables, they can be easily changed outside the loop or reused by other functions etc..
(define *melody* (mkchord 48 '-))
(define *durs* (mklist 4 (oneof 1/2 1)))
(define lp1
(lambda (beat melody durs)
(let ((dur (car durs))
(p (car melody)))
(monitor beat dur p)
(callback-at dur 'lp1
(cdr-or-else melody *melody*)
(cdr-or-else durs *durs*)))))
(lp1 (*metro* 'get-beat 1) *melody* *durs*)
1.5 Loop with rotating melody, internal
Similiar to the external melody version, but the pattern arguments are internal and rotated periodically.
This allows for example to call the same function multiple times with different notes and durs arguments, without having to duplicate code, generating overlapping musical patterns.
(define lp1
(lambda (beat notes durs)
(let ((p (car notes))
(dur (car durs)))
(monitor beat p dur)
(callback-at dur 'lp1
(rotate notes -1)
(rotate durs -1)))))
(lp1 (*metro* 'get-beat 1) '(60 67 69) '(4 2))
1.6 Loop with rotating melody, internal, with 'deep' rotation
A variation of the rotate loop that takes a nested list of plists and takes one value from each plist per cycle, while rotating them, generating a two-voices alternating structure.
(define lp1
(lambda (beat notes durs)
(let ((p (caar notes))
(dur (car durs)))
(monitor beat p dur )
(callback-at dur 'lp1
(rotatedeep notes -1)
(rotate durs -1)))))
(lp1 (*metro* 'get-beat 1) '((60 67 69) (48)) '(4 2))
See also
1.7 Loop with map
+ play
A more complex pattern playing structure that maps over several lists. It's a terse structure that permits to generate many rythmic and harmonic variations by modifying the external times
, notes
and vols
(define times (mklist 4 (oneof 1/2 1/4)))
(define notes (mkchordrandom A3 'm6 4 100))
(define vols (mklist 4 (oneof 50 90)))
(define lp1
(lambda (beat)
(let ((dur 1/16))
(map (lambda (t p v)
(onbeat t 0 (monitor p v dur ))
times notes vols)
(callback-at dur 'lp1))))
(lp1 (*metro* 'get-beat 1))
See also
- Rythmic Cycles on YouTube uses this pattern
1.8 Loop with every
Allows to express conditions in relation to the loop (iteration) count, by passing an extra parameter lc
(define lp1
(lambda (beat dur lc)
(every 2 (monitor beat dur lc) )
(callback-at dur 'lp1
dur (1+ lc))))
(lp1 (*metro* 'get-beat 1) 1 1)
See also
1.9 Loop with rect
Using a rectr
function to oscillate downbeats between two states only.
Note: dur
is defined internally here, to make it easier to update the snippet at runtime.
(define lp1
(lambda (beat)
(let ((dur 1/16)
(t (rectr 1/2 1 1/16 )))
(at t 0
(play 1 A2 60 t)
(callback-at dur 'lp1))))
(lp1 (*metro* 'get-beat 1))
1.10 Loop with 'ping pong' effect
Shorten the loop cycle duration by a fixed amount to achieve a ping pong effect. Reset the cycle duration when it gets too short.
(define lp1
(lambda (beat pitch dur inst)
(play inst pitch (+ 10 (* dur 100)) dur )
(if> dur 1/32
(callback-at dur 'lp1 pitch (- dur 1/32) inst)
(callback-at 2 'lp1 pitch 1 inst))))
(lp1 (*metro* 'get-beat 1) A3 1 1)
1.11 Loop with diatonic chord progressions
Generates chords variations based on diatonic changes.
(define lp1
(lambda (beat degree)
(let ((dur 8))
(for-each (lambda (p)
(play 1 p 30 dur))
(mkchordiatonicr 36 '- degree 3 70))
(callback-at dur 'lp1
(oneof (rest (assoc degree
'((i iv)
(iv i)
(lp1 (*metro* 'get-beat 8) 'i)
See also