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1. Making scales and chords

A summary of the chords functions available, in the mk namespace, to create harmonic structures like scales and chords.

All of these functions take either a chord symbol or a scale symbol.

; sym chords

; sym scales

1.1 Chords

(mkchord root 'chordsym )
(mkchordrand root 'chordsym )
(mkchordsteps root '(steps) 'scalesym )
(mkchordiatonic root 'maj-min 'degree) ; chordsym either M or m TODO

These are enhanced versions of the pc functions.


(pc:chord root 'chordsym )
(pc:make-chord lower upper number pcchord)
(pc:make-chord-fixed pitch number pcchord)
(pc:diatonic root '^- 'i)

The only advantage of pc:make-chord is that it can table a list of pitch classes, while mkchord just chord syms EG

(pc:make-chord-fixed C4 3 
        '(0 4 7) 

1.2 Melody

Makes a melody from a root pitch and a scale.

(mkmelody 4 60 'm '(1 -1) )

1.3 Scales

(mkscale root 'scale-sym )
(mkscalestep root step 'scale-sym) ;; transpose the scale beginning
These are enhanced versions of the pc functions IE

;; snippets deprecated
(pc:scale 0 'scale-sym )

1.4 Intervals

(mkint C4 3 'scale-sym )
(mkrandom C3 C6 'pitch-list-or-scale-sym ) ; simple wrapper around pc:random
(mkquant 61 'pitch-list-or-scale-sym  )


(mkrel 60 8 'M ) ; same as mkint
(pc:random 60 80 'plist)
(pc:quantize 60 'plist)