1. Extempore extensions
A collection of my own custom extensions to the Extempore programming environment. Many of the compositions on this website rely on them e.g. macros like mkchord or mkint.
1.1 GitHub
See the Extempore Extensions GitHub project: it contains a bunch of (mainly MIDI) scheme extensions that I developed in order to create Extempore musical algorithms more efficiently and more naturally.
In a nutshell
The scheme/lisp family of languages make it easy to shape the language the way you want by changing its core operators (a bit like 'overloading' functions).
The extensions in this collection are just like that: the scheme abstractions that I developed in order to create Extempore musical algorithms more efficiently and more naturally. Goes without saying, they work for me but possibly not for you!
1.2 Functions navigator
The Functions navigator extensions section is also handy to browse the code.