1. 2010-02-15: Impromptu: access the Wiki docs from the editor
When you're Impromptu-ing but don't know the meaning or syntax of a function, the usual thing to do is calling (help function-name)
to get some help about that function, or (help function-name #t)
if you want to see also the examples associated with it. The help text gets displayed in the log view, so that you can then copy/paste what you need from there. Quite useful, but nonetheless I always find myself fighting with the log window: too small, hidden away by other canvases, or not readable anymore cause after calling the help function I've evaluated other stuff that has moved up the much needed help-text.
Since a couple of months ago Impromptu has a wiki too - so I thought, it'd be nice to see a function's help in a browser window, and possibly contribute to its explanation too..
So, that's the rationale for this little script. By calling 'wiki' you can open up a web browser at the relevant Impromptu-wiki page.. as simple as that. >>>
First off, we need a couple of utility functions that are not included in Impromptu by default, for better manipulating strings, lists and webpages (UPDATE 9-Nov2010: some of this symbols have been included in Improptu 2.5, so I prefixed the one below with the utils: namespace):
;; utilities
;; (utils:list-flatten '(9 9 (9 9 9 )))) = (9 9 9 9 9)
(define utils:list-flatten
(lambda (l)
(cond ((null? l)
((atom? l)
(list l))
(#t (append (utils:list-flatten (car l)) (utils:list-flatten (cdr l)))))))
;; returns a char from a string of length 1, or a list of chars from a longer string
(define utils:char
(lambda (string_char)
(if (string? string_char)
(if (> (string-length string_char) 0)
(if (> (string-length string_char) 1)
(string->list string_char)
(car (string->list string_char))))
(print 'please 'enter 'a 'string))))
;; matches a single character in a string, and replaces it
(define utils:string-replace
(lambda (s match replacement)
(let ((ll (string->list s))
(match1 (utils:char match))
(replacement1 (utils:char replacement)))
(if (= (string-length match) 1)
(let ((z (map (lambda (x)
(if (equal? x match1)
(list->string (utils:list-flatten z)))
(print "i can match only single characters for now")))))
;; makes a string upper case
(define utils:string-capitalize
(lambda (s)
(string-append (string (char-upcase (string-ref s 0))) (substring s 1 (string-length s)))))
;; open-url: calls the default mac browser with a url argument
;; disclaimer: I'm not an objc programmer... found an example at
;; [http://macosx.com/forums/software-programming-web-scripting/18422-how-do-i-launch-url-using-cocoa-objective-c.html](http://macosx.com/forums/software-programming-web-scripting/18422-how-do-i-launch-url-using-cocoa-objective-c.html)
(define utils:open-url
(lambda (urlstring)
(let ((urlobj (objc:call "NSURL" "URLWithString:" urlstring))
(workspace (objc:call "NSWorkspace" "sharedWorkspace")))
(objc:call workspace "openURL:" urlobj))))
Finally, the functions for opening the wiki page:
;; wiki url caller
;; e.g. (wiki objc:from-address) => goes to http://moso.com.au/wiki/index.php?title=Objc:from-address
;; wiki-escape: composes the url so that it matches the ones of the online wiki
(define wikiescape
(lambda (funname)
(for-each (lambda (x)
(set! funname (utils:string-replace funname (car x) (cadr x))))
'(("+" "%2B")
("=" "%3D")
("<" "lessthan")
(">" "greaterthan")
("*" "%2A")
("?" "%3F")
("!" "%21")
(utils:string-capitalize funname)))
(define wiki-inner
(lambda (funname)
(let* ((urlbase "[http://moso.com.au/wiki/index.php?title=](http://moso.com.au/wiki/index.php?title=)")
(newname (wikiescape funname))
(url (string-append urlbase newname)))
(utils:open-url url))))
;; macro wrapper and main function that gets called
(define-macro (wiki name)
`(wiki-inner (sexpr->string (quote ,name))))
That's it: load all of this code (or put it in a single file and load it at startup time) and you've got the wiki procedure available!