1. 2011-03-29: An alternative to the 'play' macro: 'iplay' and 'with-instrument'
The other day I was thinking: when I use the play macro in Impromptu (video tutorial), in my head it's already obvious what's the virtual instrument I want to play. So why do I have to specify that all the time? Wouldn't it be more natural just being able to say, for example, get this instrument and now play this and that note with it...
Let me clarify this with an example. Let's set up the standard Apple's DLS-synth audiounit and the metronome:
(define dls (au:make-node "aumu" "dls " "appl"))
(au:connect-node dls 0 *au:output-node* 0)
(define *metro* (make-metro 100))
Now imagine that we want to play some (dumb) melody with Apple's DLS. We can use the usual play macro to achieve this quite easily (that's because above we set up the metronome, which is needed in order to use play - check out the docs if this sounds odd to you).
Sequencing a bunch of notes is thus just a matter of sequencing play macros:
(define the-usual-play
(lambda (beat)
(play dls 60 90 1)
(play dls 64 90 1)
(play 1/2 dls 72 90 1)
(play 3/2 dls 67 90 1)
(callback (*metro* (+ beat (\* 1/2 2))) 'the-usual-play (+ beat 2))))
(the-usual-play (*metro* 'get-beat 4))
That's where I started getting nervous (so to say). Having to write 'dls' each time I play a new note seemed to me redundant and illogical; I know that it's dls the instrument I want to play - I heard my mind screaming - why can't I focus on the music instead of making sure I type in the instrument name all the time?
1.0.1 Taking advantage of Scheme, the self-modifying language
Luckily though we're using Scheme, which differently from most other computer languages allows you to change the language grammar as you like, thanks to macros. So here we go, we can create a new macro similar to play that lets you omit the instrument you're playing. We'll call it iplay (shortcut for instrument-play, not itunes :-)):
(macro (iplay args)
(cond ((equal? (length (cdr args)) 3)
`(let ((note ,(cadr args))
(vol ,(caddr args))
(dur ,(cadddr args))
(play my-inst note vol dur)))
((equal? (length (cdr args)) 4)
`(let ((offset ,(cadr args))
(note ,(caddr args))
(vol ,(cadddr args))
(dur ,(cadddr (cdr args))))
(play (eval offset) my-inst note vol dur)))
(#t (print "Error: the function only accepts 3 or 4 argument"))))
Essentially what we're telling the interpreter here is that every time iplay is used, the original play should be called and the symbol my-inst should be passed as the variable representing our instrument. Now we can modify the simple loop defined above like this:
(define the-usual-play-modified
(lambda (beat)
(let ((my-inst dls))
(iplay 60 90 1)
(iplay 64 90 1))
(play 1/2 dls 72 90 1)
(play 3/2 dls 67 90 1)
(callback (*metro* (+ beat (\* 1/2 2))) 'the-usual-play-modified (+ beat 2))))
(the-usual-play-modified (*metro* 'get-beat 4))
If you run that, you'll see that this loop sounds exactly the same as the previous one, although the first two play calls are now iplay macro calls. The whole thing works because we introduced a local variable my-inst and bound that to the dls audio instrument (created at the beginning). Notice that the new macro iplay knows nothing about what instrument is playing: it's just using blindly the my-inst variable, under the assumption that we've associated it to a valid audio instrument.
1.0.2 Some more syntactic sugar
The only hassle now is that each time we want to use iplay we are forced to use the (let ((my-inst dls)).. form. Typing this stuff doesn't feel very natural too. Rather, in my head, I tend to see things like this: get an instrument first, then play a bunch of notes with it.
So, let's create some syntactic sugar for the 'let' form, by defining another macro, 'with-instrument':
As you can see, this macro doesn't do much: it just rephrases the let form above in a way that is probably more natural to me (and to others too I believe..).
For example, now we can use iplay like this:
(define justatest
(lambda (beat)
(with-instrument dls
(iplay 48 40 1) ;; iplay with 3 args: pitch, vol and dur
(iplay (random (list 1/2 1/4 1/8)) (random 60 80) 40 1)) ;; 4 arguments: offset
(callback (*metro* (+ beat (\* 1/2 1))) 'justatest (+ beat 1))))
(justatest (*metro* 'get-beat 4))
Finally, let's remember that because of the way we defined iplay above, we can pass it 3 or 4 arguments: in the first case, the macro assumes that we're providing a pitch, a volume, and a duration. In the second case instead the first argument is assumed to be an offset value (while the others remain unchanged).
The original play macro can take another argument too: the channel (or midi port). I haven't included here cause I normally don't need it, but if you do I'm sure you can fiddle a bit with the code above and make it do whatever you want!
Conclusion: here is the code you need to evaluate within Impromptu if you want to use the with/iplay constructs (all the source code is also available on BitBucket):
(macro (with-instrument args)
`(let ((my-inst ,(cadr args)))
,@(cddr args)))
(macro (iplay args)
(cond ((equal? (length (cdr args)) 3)
`(let ((note ,(cadr args))
(vol ,(caddr args))
(dur ,(cadddr args))
;(print inst beat note vol dur)
(play my-inst note vol dur)))
((equal? (length (cdr args)) 4)
`(let ((offset ,(cadr args))
(note ,(caddr args))
(vol ,(cadddr args))
(dur ,(cadddr (cdr args))))
;(print inst beat note vol dur)
(play (eval offset) my-inst note vol dur)))
(#t (print "Error: the function only accepts 3 or 4 argument"))))
1.0.3 Finally.. a 'pastebin' function
Also, here is a pastebin function similar to pb:cb (check out this video tutorial if you don't know what I'm talking about) that returns a template with the with-instrument macro:
(define pb:iplay (lambda (name dur inst) '())) ;; fake function definition, useful for autocompletion!
;; macro wrapper for pb-iplay
(define-macro (pb:iplay name dur inst . args)
\`(pb-iplay (sexpr->string (quote ,name))
(sexpr->string (quote ,dur))
(sexpr->string (quote ,inst))
,@(map (lambda (expr)
(sexpr->string expr))
(define pb-iplay
(lambda (name dur inst . args)
(let ((a (apply string-append (map (lambda (e) (string-append "n " e)) args))))
"(define " name "
(lambda (beat)
(with-instrument " inst "
" a "
(callback (\*metro\* (+ beat (\* 1/2 " dur "))) '" name " (+ beat " dur ")))))nn(" name " (\*metro\* 'get-beat 4))")))))
;; call it like this:
;(pb:iplay myloop 1/4 dls)
;; returns:
;(define myloop
; (lambda (beat)
; (with-instrument dls
; (callback (\*metro\* (+ beat (\* 1/2 1/4))) 'myloop (+ beat 1/4)))))
;(myloop (\*metro\* 'get-beat 4))