1. Rhythmic Cycles (2021-04)
Minimalism-ispired rhythmic patterns progressions.
1.1 Using 'map' to generate musical textures
The gist of this experiment relies on the map
Using map
and lists of notes and offsets, it is possible to schedule repeated calls to the play
note function:
When the map
pattern above gets repeated via a loop, changing the input parameters generates a texture of sounds with a touch of randomness.
For example, some parameters to experiment with:
- times can be shifted up or down by 1/4 beat or so
- notes can be transposed using different chord structures
- volumes can use cyclical variations e.g. a cosine function
What you get is a mesmerising tune, which keeps repeating itself but it's never exactly the same.
Rendered using a simple sine-wave synth it may sound similar to 8-bit video game music patterns.. but when using more interesting sounds/instruments, the end result is much more interesting too.
1.2 Source code
The full source code can be found on Github.
(define notes (list c3 g3 bb3))
(define times (:mklist 8 (oneof 1/2 1/4)))
(define inc
(lambda (alist)
(map (lambda (x)
(if (< x 1)
(ifr .7 (add 1/4 x) x) 0)
(define lp1
(lambda (beat)
(let ((dur 1/16)
(v1 (cosr (cosr 50 18 1/64) 30 1/64))
(v2 (cosr (cosr 50 18 1/150) 30 1/40))
(fc 8))
(println v1 v2)
(onbeat 4 0
(set! times (inc times)))
(onbeat 32 0
(if (< v1 40)
(set! notes (rotate notes -1))))
(map (lambda (x y z)
(onbeat x 0 (play y z (* dur .9) 1))
(onbeat x 0 (play y z (* dur .9) 3))
(slice fc times)
(slice fc (:mkchord (car notes) '-6 8))
(slice fc (list v1 v2 v1 v2 v1 v2 v1 v2))
(callback (*metro* (+ beat (* 1/2 dur)))
'lp1 (+ beat dur)))))
(lp1 (*metro* 'get-beat 1))