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1. Livecoding noise sound waves with Bento and Extempore

Improvised acid loops using Extempore + Bentō.

Bentō is a standalone noise box with tape recorder, inspired by the japanoise scene. Thanks to its unstable and very unique oscillators, Bentō can create an enormous number of sounds and impredictable noises that are not possible with traditional subctractive synthesizers.

See the PDF user manual


1.1 Take 1

Just trying to control it using MIDI-CC from Extempore.

Note: I previously created some MIDI mappings and saved them to a file I can reload each time.

1.2 Take 2

After 10 minutes the demo version goes silent unfortunately.. but it doesn't take long to restart it.

Drumkit sounds generated with Ableton Live.

Slowly getting the hang of it!